Steps have turned the voltage up with a bunch of remixes of their latest single The Slightest Touch.
The group dropped their cover of the Five Star classic as the third single from their latest album ‘What The Future Holds Pt. 2’ and they’ve dropped three new mixes.
Calling on 7th Heaven, Gareth Shortland and Shanghai, the new cuts amp up the energy of the original, which quickly became a fan favourite.
Earlier this month, Steps announced The Slightest Touch would be their next official single, saying: “We’re SO excited to reveal that our next single is… THE SLIGHTEST TOUCH.
“Turn it up loud when you hear it on the radio.”
Of their latest cover, Steps said ahead of its release: “We are SUCH massive fans of Five Star, when we started brainstorming a possible cover idea to include on ‘What The Future Holds Pt. 2’ this felt like the natural choice.
“They are absolute idols of ours and have always dreamed about giving one of their songs a euphoric Steps makeover.
“We are SO excited about the end result and hope fans love it as much as our part covers like Chain Reaction and Tragedy.”
In a review of the album, Retro Pop said ‘What The Future Holds Pt. 2’ is packed with “wall-to-wall pop precision” and “paves the way for the band’s 25th anniversary celebrations in 2022”.
‘What The Future Holds Pt. 2’ is available on CD, LP and Cassette.